LCZs A to G

LCZs A to G are natural land cover types, with the exception of LCZ E, which also includes paved surfaces:

LCZ A:  Dense trees

Heavily wooded landscape of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. Land cover mostly pervious (low plants).

LCZ B:  Scattered trees

Lightly wooded landscape of deciduous and/or evergreen trees. Land cover mostly pervious (low plants).


LCZ C:  Bush, scrub

Open arrangement of bushes, shrubs and short, woody trees. Land cover mostly pervious (bare soil or sand).

lczC (2)

LCZ D:  Low plants

Featureless landscape of grass or herbaceous plants/crops. Few or no trees.

LCZ E:  Bare rock or paved

Featureless landscape of rock or paved cover. Few or no trees.

lczE (2)

LCZ F:  Bare soil or sand

Featureless landscape of soil or sand cover. Few or no trees or plants.

lczF (2)

LCZ G:  Water

Large, open water bodies such as seas and lakes, or small bodies such as rivers, reservoirs and lagoons.

lczG (2)

Source:  Stewart and Oke (2012)