Short Mediterranean PhD School 2019

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In the practical exercise on Fri afternoon we want to create a LCZ map for Napoli. This will be done in two stage – first defining training samples using Google Earth, second conducting the classification (machine learning) in SAGA GIS. Therefore you need software, knowledge, and data.

As software please download/install SAGA GIS and Google Earth. SAGA can be downloaded for Linux and Windows (portable). For Mac it has to be compiled [manual]

For preparation you have a look at the LCZ manuals for creating training areas and LCZ classification. We will quickly go through these in the hands on session.

Get data for exercise here.

Or get data and SAGA-GIS here

Slides of both lectures can be found here [until 31.10.2019 – password required]. Ask for PW in Fri class. For internal use only, be gentle about errors.